
"The best educated human being is the one who understands most about the life in which they are placed"

Helen Keller


Our aim for the pupils of Snape Primary School is to leave as scientists with curiosity, enthusiasm,  and a love for science. It is our intention for pupils to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of their daily lives - we want them to be curious about what has come before them and inquisitive about their futures to come. Our aim is for them to leave with questioning minds and the acquired scientific knowledge and skills to help them go on to challenge, investigate and understand the world around them.


Teaching of science at Snape is given the prominence it requires as a core subject and a subject fundamental to everyday life.  All teachers follow a comprehensive curriculum map in science using the Twinkl Scheme as a base. This in line with the National Curriculum, where teaching and learning show progression in knowledge and skills in all three of the science disciplines: biology, chemistry and physics.  Throughout their time at school, topics are revisited and developed to allow children to reflect on previous learning and build upon their prior knowledge, enabling them to increase their overall understanding. 

Integral to our science curriculum are the scientific enquiry skills which are embedded into each unit of work. Science lessons provide children with many opportunities to work scientifically both independently and in groups. 

Science is taught every term in all years, and weekly from Years 2-6. Cross curricular links and relevant links with our local environment are made wherever possible and science is considered closely when planning educational visits. All children at Snape engage in National Science Week, where many investigations are completed and scientific skills are practised.  

Teachers assess the children throughout their science lessons via observations, questioning and written and verbal feedback. 

All children at Snape Primary leave with a love for science, the knowledge for understanding the world around them and the skills to prepare them for the future. Most children at Snape acquire the skills and knowledge in science to reach the age expected standards. They remember scientific investigations they have completed and can discuss their findings and results. Most children will also leave Snape with subject specific vocabulary, which they can use to explain a range of scientific concepts.